Fresh New Look – New features to help us stay in touch!
We’ve known for a while now that our old site was not “mobile friendly,” but we get so wrapped up in helping our clients that we tend to shuffle our feet a little on “tech-y” stuff. It was scary to get started, but here’s what we learned:
Tips for Getting a Website:
First: Do your research. Read articles. Find out what options are out there. That way when potential web designers toss around phrases like “Dreamweaver, WordPress, SEO optimization, spiders, bots, rank, and CMS” you won’t totally freak out on them. Don’t kid yourself. You won’t be able to disguise your look of confusion, but at least you can say confidently: “I’ve heard of that!”
Next: When you FINALLY weed through all the companies that are capable of building a website, send your top picks a friendly email explaining what you’d like. Some won’t even respond. Don’t pick those. Others will send responses that are all technical jargon just to prove they are smarter than you. Don’t pick those either. Pick the one that seems most likely to be one you could work with for a few weeks without either of you wanting to run screaming from the room. Keep this in mind: The more non-techy you are, the more patient they’ll need to be.
As the lucky company you chose gets closer to the actual design, they’ll ask you lots of questions. I promise you’ll never have ever thought of these. What kind of keywords would you like the search engines to pick up on? What color boards were you considering? Font Styles? Just stare at them with a big blank look on your face (they really like that!).
Finally – if you were smart enough to work with Wooster Creative – Violette and Ben will glean through all your rambling, random thoughts and ideas, magically pull it all together, and present to you the website you were hoping for all along but just didn’t know how to ask.
We here at GreatFavors recognize great customer service when we see it… Guess birds of a feather really DO flock together!